Technical difficulties

Greetings Internet,

Book One is down at the moment due to an odd (read: embarrassing) little snafu courtesy of yours truly. Once everything settles I’ll have it back online and available through Amazon.

To anyone out there buying up amateur novels for their loved (hated?) ones for Christmas, I sincerely apologize if my absentee Amissio Libra made your list.

Happy holidays, everybody.

Totak Says Hi

Good afternoon, Internet!

This is Totak—I’ve been pestered into making a personal blog post regarding my progress on Book Two, Declina, and to shamelessly plug the sale of Book One on Kindle for FREE starting today, October 1, 2015 and ending on October 5, 2015.

So far, book two has come along at a slow pace. I’m enjoying the process, but time is something of a luxury between daily life and all the changes happening this year. And I do so enjoy making at least some room for doing nothing between it all. I don’t anticipate this book taking nearly as long as book one, but hey… shit happens. And it’s messy. Like, everywhere.

The more I write, the more I learn how NOT to do so. Book one was, in my opinion, much rougher than it rightly deserved to be upon release, and I hope to have a much better time polishing this one (along with all future books). Once I’m done circling the drain and have good reason to stop revising the chapters for a thirtieth time, I’ll likely post something to the blog from within the first five chapters of book two.

Until then, I’ll continue trying to avoid mass revisions and see if I can’t churn out some real progress.

For any of you out there who have read my work, I hope you enjoyed it! For those who haven’t, I doubt you’re reading this post, anyway, and I’m coming up short on quips.

Again! The Kindle sale through Amazon for Amissio Libra: Chaos (Book 1) runs from today, October 1, 2015 and is scheduled to end on October 5, 2015. It is FREE during this time, so even if you have no intention of reading it, feel free to own all those wonderful bytes at no cost to you.

On behalf of myself and the bytes,

Thank you for reading!

REVIEW: Chaos– An Amissio Libra series novel # 1 by Totak H. Clymes

Source: REVIEW: Chaos– An Amissio Libra series novel # 1 by Totak H. Clymes